Monday 7 October 2019

Computer security threat and prevention

Computer security threat and prevention

Computer security threat and prevention

The security risk of computers continues to increase. Some people who always want to do something different are inventing new ways to harm our computers, steal our important information, or just to mentally disturb them. If we go online too, the risk increases manifold. To deal with these dangers, first of all we should know about these dangers. After that, ways to prevent those dangers should be known. Lastly, if some accident happened, then the way out of it should be found. So now we know first of all how many threats to the computer.

       Computer Virus: Virus is one of the most famous threats to computers. It is a program that changes the way the computer works without our permission. Like a biological virus, it also replicates itself and that is why its name is virus. The computer it contains increases its number through its replication and damages the processes running inside the computer.

Computer Spyware: As is being known in its own name, these are computer programs which are silently lying in your computer without your permission and keep sending your information to your manufacturer. The more your information remains with its creator, the greater the danger will be on you. Under this, many types of programs are included which are given further.

Computer Hacker: These are the programmers who are the creators of these computer threats. These types of malware penetrate into our computer by penetrating the security of our computers and stealing, changing or destroying our information. Their best weapon is the software available on the Internet and the people who download free software from the Internet. They hide their spyware in those software and it easily reaches our computer. Since we have not bought the original software, we do not even update it from the Internet, so that these spies keep doing their work for many days.

Computer Phishing: Computer Phishing is a very dangerous weapon in today's online financial transactions. Phishing is also similar to some real phishing. In this, you are cheated by fake email or phone call. In this, we get an e-mail or a phone call from someone who tells himself from a phone company, bank, or other institution, and by luring us with a prize or anything else, we get our important information such as bank details, Wants to get family details, email password etc. Later, with the help of these information, we can suffer big loss.
Computer security threat and prevention

Computer TrojanComputer Trojan is a type of spyware that has the ability to protect itself from antivirus programs. It steals our banking data and sends it to its manufacturer.

Computer WarmComputer Warm is a type of program, which does not pose any particular threat to the computer, it is made just to spread. It spreads to many computers in no time, this only threatens the computer that it fills our computer hard disk by replicating itself and causing a flood of traffic in the network, slowing down the network goes.

Computer ScarewareComputer Scareware is a program that shows that thousands of viruses have come to your computer. While nothing like this happens. Its aim is to sell a useless antivirus software which is of no use. Just this antivirus will stop that program and in return will take money from you.

Computer Key-loggerComputer Key-logger can be both hardware or software. It keeps recording every keystroke of your computer. With this help our login and password can be stolen very easily. Its hardware version is keyboard and CPU. It is in the middle of which all the keystrokes are safe.

Computer AdwareComputer Adware is a program that continuously opens many windows related to advertising. Time and again everyone has to shut you down. Sometimes these ads can also be adults. They are not dangerous but they disturb.

Computer Farming:Computer Farming is also a type of fishing, but it uses a second technique. These are of two types. The first is D.N.S. Poisoning. In this, our computer's DNS The catch is changed in such a way that when we open a site, the site set by the hacker will open. We do the same thing with another method in which our hosts change the file.

Measures for safe use of computers:

  •      Always keep your computer updated. Always keep automatic updates of the operating system on.
  •     Use the right antivirus software to keep your computer safe and keep it updated all the time. Perform a full computer scan at intervals of a few days. Our factory has a server called Antivirus program called Trend Micro Office Scan which automatically updates all the computers available in the network and updates itself with the server installed in the Ordnance Factory Board.
  •    Always protect your computer with a hard password that no one can open. And do not share your password with anyone.
  •         Backing up his important files at some intervals.
  •         Never leave your computer in the login state. Lock or log off if you have to go somewhere.
  •         Do not open the unknown email nor open the files associated with it.
  •         Never turn off your computer's firewall.
  •         Do not download unauthorized software from the Internet.
  •         Use the social networking site very carefully. Please think carefully before sharing your personal information.
  •         Do not use administrative login unless it is very important. In this case, if a virus has come on your computer, then you will get full access power of your computer and can do whatever they want.
  •         Remove unnecessary programs and services from your computer.
  •         Always keep remote access closed.
  •         Do not open the pen drive or pocket drive on the computer by double clicking.
  •         The most important thing is to be aware and aware of the dangers of the computer.

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