Showing posts with label what is internet and what are the uses of internet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label what is internet and what are the uses of internet. Show all posts

Wednesday 25 September 2019

what is internet and what are the uses of internet

                                what is internet and what are the uses of internet      

If we look around us, we will see how easy life has become. If we compare the present-day times with the earlier times, it becomes more concrete that the various inventions of different sciences in the modern era have fully helped in making human life easier. The Internet is also an innovation among these inventions.
use of internet

 Importance of internet

Hearing the name of Internet, many things come to mind, such as computer, mobile, Google, video call. In today's world, the internet is nothing short of a miracle. Look at any area, be it transportation or journalism or any other field. The Internet has made its iron everywhere. The Internet has a big hand in making today's era modern and easy.In earlier life, it was also difficult to imagine that such a tactic could be made, which would be able to answer various questions. Shopping from home, tracking your train at home, talking face to face with a friend from far away America, or knowing the North Pole temperature at home. The Internet has provided all these facilities to humans. Everything has changed because of the Internet. People have come close to each other. The world has become very small.The Internet has brought changes like a revolution in the personal and professional lives of people. The internet is very easy to use and it is quite accessible. Despite being such a large service, the cost of using it is only a few rupees.
use of internet

At one time it was inconceivable, but now it is possible and is among us. The Internet has many uses, due to which it has emerged as the biggest revolution of the twenty-first century.

Use of internet in Revolution of  Education

Internet is most used in the Department of Education. Internet has made everything very easy in the field of education. Student life is now many times easier than before.
Students have internet so that they learn everything very easily and easily. They solve all their doubts and problems through internet. The Internet has greatly reduced the distance between various specialist teachers and students.

India is a country where people quit studying due to poverty. They leave the study due to lack of facilities and lack of funds. The Internet has a huge impact on the lives of such students. They can now learn more with less money.

There are also many students who are preparing for big exams but they leave those preparations due to the expensive fees of the coaching center. Whether it is JEE or NEET or IAS. Coaching center fees now skyrocket and students had to give up their dreams in the absence, but it has become much easier since the advent of the Internet.

Guidelines for any place in the world can be obtained by opening a map. In the time before the Internet, people used to worry about how late the train would be and how long it would be to reach the station before or after when traveling by train.

But nowadays people are not worried because they can track the train from their phones or computers. Not only this, it can also be known when sitting in the train whether a seat is available or not.

Internet has many other uses in tourism sector. All the reviews of this city can be seen before going to an unknown city. Hotels can also be booked right from home. The Internet has made tourism easy and made the world very small and reliable.

Use of internet in Communication

 Communication have miraculously changed due to the Internet. Whereas letters were sent earlier and waiting for their reply for months, today only a few seconds can be spoken by making a video call, looking at the appearance.

The influence of Internet is also visible in the field of communication. Where earlier it was difficult to know what is happening in other parts of the world, today news can be known by watching the interview video. The Internet has unimaginably influenced journalism.

Use of internet in Business

Internet has revolutionized almost every field, so how can business be missed. Due to the internet, crores of producers and sellers have come very close. Due to the Internet, a US manufacturer can sell goods to a Sri Lankan customer.
use of internet

Since the advent of online shopping, the market has increased even more competition. Good quality and low price are easily available to the customer. After the advent of internet in business, the chances of small traders growing has increased manifold.

Use of internet in  Entertainment

The influence of the Internet is also visible in the field of entertainment. The means of entertainment of people have increased even more than before. People get billions of songs, billions of songs in their hands, due to internet only for a few rupees.

People are able to watch the performance of their favorite stars more closely. After the advent of the Internet, the emphasis is on the production of films that can be viewed on mobile or desktop.


 The Internet has brought many changes due to which life has become easy and interesting. But just as there are two sides to every coin, in the same way, using the Internet excessively, the ill effects can also be seen. To avoid such consequences, use the internet with wisdom and do not let the internet dominate you.

use of internet