Showing posts with label What is e-waste?When we use another new device for replacement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What is e-waste?When we use another new device for replacement. Show all posts

Thursday 3 October 2019

Electronic waste (e-waste)

What is e-waste?


When we use another new device for replacement / malfunction of electronic devices after prolonged use, this useless malfunctioning device is called e-waste. Such as computers, mobile phones, printers, photocopy machines, inverter, UPS, LCD / television, radio / transistors, digital cameras etc. There are about 200 to 500 lakh m in the world. Tons are generated in e-waste. According to a survey conducted by the Central Pollution Control Board, New Delhi, the total amount of e-waste generated in India in the year 2005 was 1.47 lakh m. Was ton. Which has increased to about 8 lakh m in the year 2012. Has been toned. It is known that the amount of e-waste generated in India has almost doubled in the last 6 years and it is increasing continuously.

Air pollution caused by unscientific disposal (burning in the open) of electronic waste (e-waste), the ill effects on human beings

Burning the electronic waste produces toxic gases such as carcinogens - dibenzo para dioxin (TCDD) and neurotoxins. These gases affect fertility, physical development and immunity in the human body. Also, the chances of getting hormonal imbalance and cancer increases. In addition, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and chloro-fluoro carbon are also generated. Which is harmful for the atmosphere and ozone layer.

The illegal e-waste generated in large cities like Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad, etc., with the aim of making economic profit by some people, the work of segregation and illegal burning in the open in an unscientific manner Metal collecting is done. Which has a damaging effect on the environment of the city and the health of the general public. The remains of the e-waste thus burnt are mashed in a drum ball mill, after which it is sieved with a sieve and the remaining ash is washed. The ash of the E-Waste contains a variety of toxic metals which, along with water, poison the river water and collect along the banks of the river, making the river continuously shallow. In these areas, the amount of zinc, copper, iron, aluminum, chromium, nickel, lead in ambient air quality has been found to be higher than the standards. The main source of the presence of these toxic metals in the air is the burning of e-waste. Because the above metals are found in the E-Waste, by burning the above metals are emitted which reach the body through breath while staying in the ambient air and affect their toxicity to various parts of the body.Environmentally promulgated rules regarding electronic waste - Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India Notification Number - SO 1035 (E) e-Waste (Management and Handling) Rules 2011 has been promulgated from May 1, 2012 all over India Applicable in the year

Suggestions regarding preventing the burning of E-Waste illegally in an unscientific manner

The entry of trucks carrying electronic waste from Delhi, NOID, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad etc. should be restricted to the outside border. If the truck driver has a certificate to the effect that the e-waste loaded in his truck is being transported in a scientific manner only to the plant authorized by the Pollution Control Board for recovery, then it can be released.
The departure and destination of the e-waste transporting vehicle should be labeled on the truck, so that it can be known from where the truck is being brought and what is its destination. E-waste processing unit should be established in the city. All imported e-waste metal recovery should be done through the processing unit itself.

  •  Departure and destination of the vehicle should be monitored continuously by the concerned departments and the police department whether or not the vehicle has reached a certain destination, which will prevent the illegal transportation of e-waste.
  • If the e-waste is being brought illegally by getting information through informants activated by the local police, then action was taken against the vehicle owner who brought electronic waste and the owner of the storage, under Section 188 Indian Penal Code May go
  • Implementation of e-waste rules should be done by electronic goods manufacturing industries.
  • What action was taken by the police station against transporting e-waste. If e-waste is found burning in any police station, action should be taken against the concerned police station.
  • . Continuous publicity should be circulated through the media about the action and efforts being made by the existing administration in relation to e-waste.
  •  Public awareness campaigns will have to be conducted about the damage caused by unscientific burning of e-waste.
  • If children of a family are found burning e-waste, then punitive action should be taken against the head of that family. Labor department should be directed separately.
  • Full support of local leaders, social workers, religious leaders should be obtained, so that those who illegally burn the e-Waste somehow.
Safe treatment and disposal methods of e-waste
Safe treatment and disposal of e-waste are mainly done in 5 types.
  • Secured landfilling (securely ground pressing)
  • Incineration
  • Recycling (Recycling)
  •  Metal recovery by acid
  • Reuse (Reuse)
Secured landfilling (securely grounding)
  • The e-waste is built on the flat land and the pits are pressed into the soil by putting the e-waste in it. Should be pressed.

  •  In this process the e-waste is lit in a fully closed chamber inside the insulator at a temperature of 900 to 1000 degree centigrade.
  •  Due to which the quantity of e-waste is reduced considerably and the toxicity of organic matter present in it is reduced significantly.
  •  The smoke and gas coming out of the chimney in the injector is passed through the Air Pollution Control System (APCS) and the various types of metals present in the smoke are chemically separated and the gases are treated. .


  •  Devices such as electronic vests, monitors, picture tubes, laptops, keyboards, telephones, hard drives, CD drives, fax machines, printers, CPUs, modem cables etc. can be recycled.
  •  In this process, various metals and plastics are sabotaged separately and preserved for reuse.

 Metal recovery by acid

  • Different types of parts like ferrous and non ferrous metal and printed circuit board are separated by electronic waste.
  • Different types of metals like lead, copper, aluminum, silver, gold, platinum etc. are used for the recovery of metals by using concentrates.
  • Residue plastic waste is recycled for reuse.

 Reuse (Reuse)

  •  Old electronic devices are repaired and made for reuse.
  •  Such as computer, mobile, laptop, inkjet cartage, inverter, television / LCD, UPS, printer etc. devices can be repaired and reused.