Showing posts with label E-waste removal and reuse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label E-waste removal and reuse. Show all posts

Thursday 17 October 2019

E-waste removal and reuse

                                           E-waste removal and reuse

 E-waste removal and reuse

                                                        E-waste removal and reuse

E-waste removal and reuse-We all know that the 21st century is the century of information and broadcasting system. Man has made a lot of progress in science today. This progress has made life subsistence accessible. Traveling has become easier due to means of transport and communication is possible due to telephone and internet. Doordarshan provides information about the events happening around the world. Microwave, food processor, fridge etc. decorate the kitchen. All these devices have become an inseparable component of our lives. Information science has become an important term in today's era. It is difficult to imagine living without them. But the benefits of science are as much as disadvantages. These items are as convenient as they also produce waste.


According to the e-waste rules 2014, the garbage produced due to the equipment that is run continuously by electricity is called e-waste. Computer, TV, Telephone, Food Processor, Fridge, Charger, Sidi, Microwave, AC etc. devices are e-waste spreaders.
The electrical and electronics industry is the most widely spread industry globally. Due to increasing competition in industries and low age of equipment, the amount of e-waste is increasing drastically. Due to lack of necessary space for waste disposal, the developed countries of the world have started considering this problem seriously. This problem seems to be more serious due to unscientific eradication of e-waste out of the total waste generated. The problem of e-waste came to light for the first time in India after economic liberalization in the year 190. Because only after liberalization, the demand for electrical and electronics equipment had increased. The result of all this was that e-waste manufacturing was started on a large scale in government and large industries, small businesses and households.
In a statement published in the Union Government's Ministry of Forests and Environment in 2012, it said that in the year 2006, 4 percent more e-waste has been generated in 2012 than the waste generated in homes. According to a survey conducted at the national level, 8 to 10 lakh tons of e-waste is produced across the country. At the government level also, e-waste has become the subject of special study, discussion and work.

E-waste a problem

Generally 1000 different types of hazardous substances are found in e-waste. Approximately 60 values ​​of the periodic table are in e-waste. E.g. In the form of computer monitors, ghats and precious substances like cathode ray tubes are found. One of these substances is cadmium insoluble. It goes directly into the environment and damages the kidneys and bones of humans. Cadmium is also one of the 4 main European countries that banned the use of it. Plastic is the most used material with CRT monitors. It contains polyvinyl chloride. Polyvinyl chloride is used for print circuit boards, wires and their coverings. When these substances are buried or burnt in the ground, the dioxin gas circulates in the atmosphere. Which results in adverse effect on human immunity.
Mercury is used in LCD / LED monitors. This metal also has adverse results on human kidney and brain. Along with the above mentioned metals, lead, barium, tin, cobard, indium, gold, silver and most commonly used metals are copper. E-waste is eliminated by informal and unauthorized institutions and individuals in an unscientific manner. This waste is lit in the open air along the slopes or along the rivers. Due to this, many problems such as pollution on water and land, climate change and global warming are encountered.

E-waste Administration Rules 2014

This rule was introduced by the Government of India in May 2011 and from May 2012 it was implemented. This period of 1 year was given by the government to the people related to electric and electronics industries so that they could arrange suitable devices for e-waste elimination. According to this rule, it was necessary to classify the accumulated e-waste according to the scientific method according to plastic, glass, metal etc.
In the year 2016, as per the appropriate changes in this rule, it was again implemented.

Why Reuse of E-waste?

  • We have only a certain amount of natural resources available, so our promotion and use should be done carefully.
  • If e-waste is poured along with cubic waste, extremely deadly and toxic materials spread in the atmosphere.
  •  If e-waste is buried in the ground like normal waste, it will pollute soil and water.
  •  We consider the earth as our mother to save this mother from pollution of air, water and soil.
  • If e-waste is used by scientific method, it can be used as a source of raw materials.
  • To generate employment opportunities.
Measures to reduce e-waste
  • Use of electric and electronics equipment in a low or appropriate way.
  •  Only ten characteristics of equipment are commonly used. Hence reducing the use of new and state-of-the-art equipment.
  • Instead of throwing away the damaged equipment and getting new ones, repair them and reuse them.
  • Spreading awareness about the ill effects of e-waste.
  • This waste should be prepared in minimum quantity, it should be disposed of in the proper place, and the garbage coming out of street, locality, society, etc. should be tried to reach the authorized institutions for the process of reuse.
Occasionally in e-waste management

Many opportunities are available to the youth in the field of e-waste disposal and reuse. These include government institutions, private institutions, companies etc.
E-waste collection system: The system of disposal of garbage generated from the place of residence, home, school and institutions is not yet in India. Therefore, youths also have opportunities to prepare this system. The youth have the opportunity to establish such centers in their premises, spread it to the people and address this problem of the people.
E-waste process: Every city has the opportunity to develop a mechanism to classify the accumulated waste and process it and make it suitable for reuse. Youth can also try in this direction.