Friday 10 April 2020

How China will Capture on entire world after CORONA virus pendamic

How China will Capture on entire world  after CORONA virus Pendamic -  Before 1956 Britain was the world power,in 1956 with the help of other country Britain try to capture on swez kenal but Iran fail the strategies of Britan and america give warning to Britan to go back from Swez kenal and in 23rd December 1956 Britain return back from Swez kenal and america become the world power. Now currently this happening with america when in  2015 Ebola Virus came in that time America with the help of lots of country create different groups and lead for the world on the crucial type of crises. But now a day in the pendamic  of corona where is america ? Actually America is seating inside there own home and we can say that America is not able to protect their own home.

 On the other hand china work on biggest diplomacy for the world. Lets see some interesting data which we never think about
China strategies policy- We can estimate from the data which is going to mention that after this corona virus pendamic china will highlighted as the more powerful country in the world. Actually China become world leader and come equal in power as United State  America. China which have now only handful friend like North korea and Russia will become friend of almost all of the world after this corona virus pendamic.  Now world will take what China will make actually world need to buy only what china will make.

How China become World leader after this Corona virus pendamic - Friends now a days it is clear that America is totally keep quite in their own home and try to pull their lag from Paris agreement and many more. In this way America is sliding down from the position of world leader actually there is no one ready to listen america. Beijing know this very well and already work on strategies to acquire the world leadership after corona virus.

How China will Capture on entire world  after CORONA virus endemic

How china set their goal to acquire the world leadership after corona virus-Presently China shout loudly their victory on corona virus to the entire world.They try to show  entire world about their speed,efficiency and planning against corona virus. Actually now a day china become adviser of rest of the world. Every day china host lots of meeting via video conference with different different country in mash about how to get rid of from corona virus pendamic . We can say that China start to take soft leadership of the world. Again China start to tale story of their success and irresponsibility incompetence of america. Now a day China giving new word to rest of the world 'China is a globally responsible country' , and work on the mantra we "care for world". Lets focus on some of the example

How China will Capture on entire world  after CORONA virus endemic

Help of Italy- When the entire Italy is in the pain of corona virus and there is no hope of goodness.Italy appeal with entire world for kit,ventilator,mask and respirator to fight against corona virus and no one help him in the crucial time but only china come in front and publicly announce to provide 
  •      1000 ventilator
  •      2 Million Mask
  •      1 lakh Respirator
  •      20000 protective suit and
  •      50000 test kit
Today Italy sing the song of greatness of China but few days ago the figure was totally different and they protest against China because China in slow  way try to buy company of Italy because the economy of Italy about to crush.

Help Of Iran- The role which have to uphold to America now upholded by China. Currently lot of item which need to fight against corona virus is in need is supplied by China to Iran like

  • 2.5 Lakhs Mask
  • Medical Kits and also
  • Medical Team 
and also help to supplied these item to Serbia then the chief of Serbia given statement for China as
"It is only be a story to friendship with European Nation the real friend of world is now a day is only China".

In the time of prime minister Pandit Nehru Russia was the biggest friend of india and America was the biggest enemy of India, But now in the time of Modi government scene is totally different and America is Biggest friend of India. I think China work on same plane now a day with the help of Jack ma founder Alibaba group China sended 20000  test kit and 1 lakhs mask to different 50 country of Africa.

Now the Question is why the entire world need only the help of china and why China will help to all over the world ?

We know that for fighting against Corona virus we need 

  1.  Mask -As we know that china start to production of mask on war level but on the other hand               USA not having proper mask for even their own people.
  2.  N95 Respiratory- In the current time china already made 50% N95 Respiratory mask and also instruct to all the foreign company to compulsory  product N95 Mask and only supplies to China government not their own government. Then China government will decides where have to supplies or not.Now the main concern is that if China have to become World power and lead on the world then China will supplies these Respiratory to only those country which          

  • China Need to friendship
  • Need to capture on Nature resource of country
  • Which country he need to create Strategic relationship  
Actually if i tale the whole story as strategic thinker then these respiratory work as "Foreign Policy Tools".

Now Focus on Summary of Stories-
  •         This time China will Provides countless loan to lots of country and these country will come under pressure of loan
  •          China will Tie up with lots of country for low price of oil as we know that oil price is going very low these time and freeze these oil for future use and will become independent on dependency on oil 
  •          After these Corona Virus endemic there will be lots of friend of china and China will use the benefit of these friendship as in the support where China become alone in different world forum.
  •        China will not having any problem with Corona Virus because China is Maker and also Consumer 
Now Friend tell me to read the entire blog is it be necessary for entire word to salute China because the world economy is already crash. Please comment and tell me your views about  "will china capture on entire world or not".

Thursday 12 December 2019

How long will the 5G technology or phone come in India and how much will it cost?

 How long will the 5G technology or phone come in India and how much will it cost?

Reliance Jio has presented a demo of its 5G service at India Mobile . Apart from this, the company will also demo its 5G service at Reliance Corporate Park located in IIT Delhi and Navi Mumbai.
How long will the 5G phone come in India and how much will it cost?

In the next 2-3 years 5G technology will be available to everyone in the country. Companies all over the world are working fast on this. Many companies have claimed to make it available in the market only till next year. South Korea and China are at the forefront of launching it by the end of next year. At the same time, Chinese telecom company ZTE has also launched the world's first 5G technology smartphone.

  Advantage - An advantage of 5G speed will also be that it will be able to monitor your physical activities more thoroughly. And if you have connected your wristbands to the mobile, then seeing your health disturbances, your mobile will immediately inform your doctor.

In this, the download speed will increase to 1GB by the second. Which will be 10 times more than today's speed. Watching movies and TV on mobile will be easy. By the way, at such a speed, filmmakers can start releasing films online as well as silver screen.
How long will the 5G phone come in India and how much will it cost?

Fast speed internet will boost the virtual world rapidly and in such a situation it will not be difficult for you to try clothes virtually. You will go to the shop and easily see on your mobile screen or on the shopkeeper's computer how a dress or cloth looks on you.

Technologies related to virtual reality will get a lot of strength. Today we connect with our loved ones by making video calls and this is a tremendous experience for us. But now we will be able to connect with our loved ones and this experience will be like real.

With this, you will not only be able to control cars running on your own. Together, the cars will talk about traffic among themselves. Most accidents are caused by human mistakes. Then the probability of accident will be greatly reduced.

Scientists hope that due to the use of 5G technology, the use of pesticides in agriculture can be reduced by 85 percent. The mobile will tell us how to do farming and will take full care of the farmer's farm after it is personalized.
After the speed of internet speed, your smart home will remain connected to your mobile and will be able to access your home and its devices from anywhere. Apart from this, things like smart city, own internet of household goods and delivery of drones to homes will also become true.

5G technology will not only give you faster internet but will also increase the battery life of your mobile. Its region will be low fluency in speed. Apart from this, you will not have to wait long for any search. So your work will be faster and the battery will cost less.

This will easily happen only if the mobile operator will not repeat the previous mistake. Because even after the formation of a large number of 4G phones last time, there was no 4G SIM and network in the market. In such a situation, 5G will be successful from the beginning only when 5G phones are launched only when new networks are ready. However, anywhere in the world this work is less likely to be done before the end of 2021.

Yes, it is definitely a bit disappointing, but to use 5G internet, you will need a new smartphone. If you remember, when 4G technology came, people had to get new mobile phones. Which used to support long term evolution ie LTE technology. These phones will also be expensive. If you combine memory and technology, then you can get 1.5 to 2 times more expensive than a normal smartphone. Because their memory will be filled faster due to such high net speed. In such a situation, you will have to take more and more memory mobiles.

Friday 6 December 2019

Jio's 4G big bang plan ... Once recharged, it gets free from 6 months to a year; Get so much data that 5 movies are downloaded daily

Jio's 4G big bang plan ... Once recharged, it gets free from 6 months to a year; Get so much data that 5 movies are downloaded daily

Jio's 4G big bang plan ... Once recharged, it gets free from 6 months to a year; Get so much data that 5 movies are downloaded daily
                               Jio's data plan starts at just Rs 149, calling-roaming is also free

Reliance Jio has launched many 4G data plans according to the demand of the users. This includes plans with 1.5GB Data Daily, 2GB Data Daily, 3GB Data Daily, 4GB Data Daily and 5GB Data Daily. With this, the company's long term packs are also coming. In these plans, users are given plans with validity of 3, 6 and 12 months. We are telling here about all the plans of the company.

Rs 799 4G Plan
The price of this plan of Reliance Jio is Rs 799. The company offers 140GB 4G data in this plan. Its validity is 28 days. That is, the user gets daily 5GB data from 4G speed. At the same time, the speed becomes 64Kbps after the daily limit is over. In this, unlimited voice calls, daily 100 SMS, free live apps are provided. With this, All India Roaming is also completely free. With 5GB of data, the user can download up to 5 movies with 1GB of memory daily. If the size of the movie is less then the data will be saved even after downloading.

4GB data daily: Rs 509 => 28 days validity => 112GB total data => calling and roaming free
3GB data daily: Rs 299 => 28 days validity => 84GB total data => calling and roaming free
2GB data daily: Rs 198 => 28 days validity => 56GB total data => calling and roaming free
2GB data daily: Rs 398 => 70 days validity => 140GB total data => calling and roaming free
2GB data daily: Rs 448 => 84 days validity => 168GB total data => calling and roaming free
2GB data daily: Rs 498 => 91 days validity => 182GB total data => calling and roaming free
1.5GB data daily: Rs 1699 => 365 days validity => 547.5GB total data => calling and roaming free
1.5GB data daily: Rs 399 => 84 days validity => 126GB total data => calling and roaming free
1.5GB data daily: Rs 149 => 28 days validity => 42GB total data => calling and roaming free
1.5GB data daily: Rs 349 => 70 days validity => 105GB total data => calling and roaming free
1.5GB data daily: Rs 449 => 91 days validity => 136GB total data => calling and roaming free

Airtel (4G) is giving 3GB data for just Rs 49, given to Jio's Rs 49 plan

             Airtel (4G) is giving 3GB data for just Rs 49, given to Jio's Rs 49 plan

The country's largest  4G telecom company Airtel has launched a new prepaid pack of Rs 49. It is believed that Airtel is giving direct collision to the Rs 49 plan of Reliance Jio through this new prepaid pack.
Airtel (4G) is giving 3GB data for just Rs 49, given to Jio's Rs 49 plan

The country's largest telecom company Airtel has launched a new prepaid pack of Rs 49. It is believed that Airtel is giving direct collision to the Rs 49 plan of Reliance Jio through this new prepaid pack. Let us tell you that customers of Airtel who recharged with Rs 49 will get 3GB data. However, its validity is just one day. The biggest difference in the Rs 49 pack of Reliance Jio and Airtel is the validity. The validity of Reliance Jio's Rs 49 pack is 28 days.

You can recharge Airtel for Rs 49 by going to the My Airtel app or This new pack is available in the data section. Here, prepaid subscribers can see whether this Rs 49 offer is available to them or not. Keep in mind that if this offer is not available in your circle, then you will get 1GB 4G data by recharging from Rs 49 as before.

Talking about Jio, its Rs 49 recharge pack is only for Jio phone users. In this plan, users get 1GB data and unlimited calling facility. The validity of this plan is 28 days. Talking about Airtel, this company has introduced a plan of 65 rupees which comes with 1GB 2G / 3G data. Its validity is also 28 days. Apart from this, the company is also giving 30GB data on upgrading to 4G smartphone.

Friday 1 November 2019

Learn the journey from 1G technology to 5G technology

                      Learn the journey from 1G technology  to 5G technology

5G Technology play a vital role sometimes the paper was written by writing the message, but today just press two buttons of the phone and the message reaches the other. The post used to take several days to reach, but the messages from mobile are received without delay. Whenever in your mind it will come how all these things became possible. So let me tell you that the biggest credit goes to Heinrich Hertz. The microwave transcript was discovered in 1864 by James Clerk Maxwell. James Clerk Maxwell Microwaves was first predicted in 1864 using his equations. On the same theory, in 1888, Heinrich Hertz detected and proved the microwave radiation (ile electrons wave). Radio, TV and mobile were later invented on the same electronics web.
But it was not as if the electron nicks wave was invented and all the mobile networks were available. In the beginning, the capacity of these electronics web sites was quite limited. They were later invented in a sequential manner. Today 4G network is available and 5G network is about to knock. But the mobile technology that came in the beginning was not so powerful. The mobile network has changed almost every 10 years.Next we have explained the journey from 1G to 5G so that you can understand mobile telephony.

1G Network
Learn the journey from 1G technology  to 5G technology

 In mobile networks, G means Generation. 1G is the first generation of mobile telephony. It was a technology based on analog signal and its capacity was extremely low. 1G technology was first used in 1979. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Company, also known as NTT, was first launched in Japan and the technology became popular in the 1980s. It was launched in the US in 1983. Although Martine Cooper of the Motorola company invented the mobile phone in 1973 itself, the use of 1G phones started in the 1980s. 1G technology was specifically for voice, with a speed of up to 2.4 kbps only. You would be surprised to know that mobile service was available in Pakistan before India.

2G Network
Learn the journey from 1G technology  to 5G technology

Mobile's 2G network was first developed in 1991. It changed a lot. While 1G was an analog network, digital signals were used for 2G. However, two types of technology were used for 2G. While GSM-based mobile technology started from Finland, CDMA was used in the US. Through 2G signals, phones are now able to send text messages, picture messages and multimedia messages. At the same time, it used to reduce the battery consumption significantly more than 1G.Data could also be used in 2G service but it was very less. The maximum speed of download and upload was up to 64 kbps. However, later there were many improvements and 2.5G and 2.7G also came and its maximum data speed was up to 256 Kbps. India started with 2.5G. You will also be surprised to know that the first telephone line in India started between Kolkata and Dowmond Harbor and in 1995 the first mobile service was also restored from here. It was initiated by the then Chief Minister of Kolkata, Jyoti Basu by calling Union Minister Sukhram.

3G Network
Although every country was using 2G mobile service as per its own, there was no single standard set. At the same time 3G network started after the year 2000. For this, ITU (International Telecommunication Union) created a standard under the name IMT 2000. Although the Japanese company NTT DoCoMo had launched the pre co-commercial service but in the year 2001 it was officially launched. The 3G network was for both data and callsIn this the speed of data speed was between 384 Kbps to 2 Mbps. In 3G, voice calls as well as video calls were also available. At the same time, it included features such as file transfer, internet, online TV, video conferencing, 3D gaming and email send-receive. The specialty of 3G technology was that it was more secure than 2G technology. At the same time, many developments were made in 3G technology. HSDPA, HSPA, HHPA + and HHSPA Turbo are 3G standards only. Its maximum data capacity is up to 42 Mbps.

4G Network
Learn the journey from 1G technology  to 5G technology

Today, only 4G network is dominated around the world including India. Although its story is also strange. 4G technology started in the year 2007 but it was tested on the WiMAX network at that time. It was not prepared by ITU. At the same time, in 2008, ITute announced the IMT Advance technology for 4G, which was a GISM based 4G technology. It has since seen development. In this also, NTT Docomo had previously tried 4G network but according to the information, 4G was officially started by a Finnish company. Although in India too, some operators including BSNL had tested the WiMAX technology but it could not come and first Airtel started 4G LTE from Kolkata. It also has two techniques. Airtel launched 4G FDD technology. Later Vodafone and Idea also introduced it but the entire market changed from 5 September 2016. Reliance Jio launched 4G TDD service in India and the company provided 4G to VoLTE. After this, there was a boom of 4G in India. There is coverage of 4G networks over 3G.4G has also undergone several improvements so far and its capacity has been enhanced. Its data capacity is defined from CAT. If a phone has Cat.3 support, it is capable of transferring data at speeds up to 100 Mbps. Similarly if CAT is 4 then 150 Mbps, CAT is 6 then 300 Mbps, CAT is 9 then 450 Mbps and if CAT is. If 11, 4G will be able to transfer data at speeds up to 600 Mbps. 600 MPPS is the maximum speed of 4G.

5G Network
Learn the journey from 1G technology  to 5G technology

Although it was said that India is far behind other countries in technology. Mobile service came here after a delay of about 15 years. We were also about 10 years behind in 3G service. European countries started launching 3G service only in 2001, but after 2011 in India this service came. However, 4G has reduced the delay gap to a great extent. We were about 3 to 4 years late. At the same time, 5G may not be the same now. Recently 3GPP has set the standards for towers and smartphones including logos for 5G networks worldwide. IMT 2020 has been named for the 5G standard. Good thing can be said that almost all the major companies of the world have shown an eagerness for 5G and have assured to start 5G network by 2019. That is, it can be announced only after 13 months from today. It is worth noting that 3GPP is the only organization that sets the standard for mobile service dissemination globally.

The advantage of setting the 5G service standard is that now operators and network engineers from all over the world will be able to work on it. After the 3GPP body has set the standard for ultrafast 5G network, now phone manufacturers and radio equipment manufacturers will be able to launch their 5G products. The best thing that can be said is that India is already ready for 5G this time. Mukesh Ambani, Chairman and Managing Director of Reliance Industrie announced that Reliance Jio Network is also 5G Ready. At the same time, the company has also tied up with Samsung for its development. Airtel is also not far behind. The company has partnered with Nokia to expand 5G service and IoT applications. By the way, in 2014, NTT Docomo started the moment for 5G.

Where the maximum speed for 4G is only up to 600 Mbps while 5G speed is considered to start from 1 Gbps. In such a situation, you can think for yourself what this feeling will be like. Movies will download in just a few seconds and live video will play without buffer. There will also be a tremendous change in multiplayer gaming and health services. However, another standard that was set by 3GPP to set standards for 5G was the emphasis on low battery consumption. It is being said that this will be less than the power consumption 4G in it.

Friday 25 October 2019

E-waste threat

                                                     E-waste threat

E waste produces by india is about 2.2 million tonnes of annually and this year the figure is estimated to reach 33 lakh tonnes.
E-waste threat

Along with the rapid digitalisation of India, a new problem is also spreading. This problem is booming electronic garbage (e-waste). All electronic devices come under e-waste which we throw away if it goes bad. For example, computers, motherboards, radios, televisions, bulbs, mobile phones, chargers, batteries, etc. These devices get transformed into e-waste as they go bad. This waste has now become a big danger for India.

This is because disposing of this waste has become a big headache for the whole world. Apart from India, China, America, Japan and Germany are the countries where the level of e-waste has increased dangerously. About 2.2 million tonnes of e-waste are produced in India every year. By the end of 2018, this figure is estimated to reach 3.3 million tonnes.

According to an Assocham report, 20 percent of the e-waste generated in India comes from Maharashtra. Tamil Nadu is the second largest producer of e-waste. After this, Uttar Pradesh (10 percent), West Bengal (9.8 percent) and Delhi (9.5 percent) are in this list. It is a matter of concern that out of the 22 lakh tonnes of garbage that is being generated right now, only about four lakh tonnes are being recycled.

Experts believe that e-waste contains hazardous elements like lead, mercury, cadmium and cobalt. The treatment of e-waste, ie, the chemicals and radiation emitted during recycling pose a threat not only to the environment but also to humans. Being exposed to it increases the risk of nervous system (neuro), breath, skin, cancer, heart related diseases.

Looking at this, it is clear that India faces a big challenge of recycling e-waste. Only five percent of the e-waste in the country is recycled by the organized sector. The remaining 95 percent of e-waste is handed over to the unorganized sector. That is, the workers collect, sort and then strangulate it by hand in an unsafe way. This causes them to face many health problems.

This problem is even bigger in India because most of the e-waste is dealt with junk here. After removing the metals from the e-waste, the remaining waste is thrown into the open like this. This causes serious pollution to air, water and soil. Toxic elements such as lead and mercury present in this waste, due to being thrown in the open, dissolve in air and water, affecting not only the environment but also the health of the people.

Thursday 17 October 2019

E-waste removal and reuse

                                           E-waste removal and reuse

 E-waste removal and reuse

                                                        E-waste removal and reuse

E-waste removal and reuse-We all know that the 21st century is the century of information and broadcasting system. Man has made a lot of progress in science today. This progress has made life subsistence accessible. Traveling has become easier due to means of transport and communication is possible due to telephone and internet. Doordarshan provides information about the events happening around the world. Microwave, food processor, fridge etc. decorate the kitchen. All these devices have become an inseparable component of our lives. Information science has become an important term in today's era. It is difficult to imagine living without them. But the benefits of science are as much as disadvantages. These items are as convenient as they also produce waste.


According to the e-waste rules 2014, the garbage produced due to the equipment that is run continuously by electricity is called e-waste. Computer, TV, Telephone, Food Processor, Fridge, Charger, Sidi, Microwave, AC etc. devices are e-waste spreaders.
The electrical and electronics industry is the most widely spread industry globally. Due to increasing competition in industries and low age of equipment, the amount of e-waste is increasing drastically. Due to lack of necessary space for waste disposal, the developed countries of the world have started considering this problem seriously. This problem seems to be more serious due to unscientific eradication of e-waste out of the total waste generated. The problem of e-waste came to light for the first time in India after economic liberalization in the year 190. Because only after liberalization, the demand for electrical and electronics equipment had increased. The result of all this was that e-waste manufacturing was started on a large scale in government and large industries, small businesses and households.
In a statement published in the Union Government's Ministry of Forests and Environment in 2012, it said that in the year 2006, 4 percent more e-waste has been generated in 2012 than the waste generated in homes. According to a survey conducted at the national level, 8 to 10 lakh tons of e-waste is produced across the country. At the government level also, e-waste has become the subject of special study, discussion and work.

E-waste a problem

Generally 1000 different types of hazardous substances are found in e-waste. Approximately 60 values ​​of the periodic table are in e-waste. E.g. In the form of computer monitors, ghats and precious substances like cathode ray tubes are found. One of these substances is cadmium insoluble. It goes directly into the environment and damages the kidneys and bones of humans. Cadmium is also one of the 4 main European countries that banned the use of it. Plastic is the most used material with CRT monitors. It contains polyvinyl chloride. Polyvinyl chloride is used for print circuit boards, wires and their coverings. When these substances are buried or burnt in the ground, the dioxin gas circulates in the atmosphere. Which results in adverse effect on human immunity.
Mercury is used in LCD / LED monitors. This metal also has adverse results on human kidney and brain. Along with the above mentioned metals, lead, barium, tin, cobard, indium, gold, silver and most commonly used metals are copper. E-waste is eliminated by informal and unauthorized institutions and individuals in an unscientific manner. This waste is lit in the open air along the slopes or along the rivers. Due to this, many problems such as pollution on water and land, climate change and global warming are encountered.

E-waste Administration Rules 2014

This rule was introduced by the Government of India in May 2011 and from May 2012 it was implemented. This period of 1 year was given by the government to the people related to electric and electronics industries so that they could arrange suitable devices for e-waste elimination. According to this rule, it was necessary to classify the accumulated e-waste according to the scientific method according to plastic, glass, metal etc.
In the year 2016, as per the appropriate changes in this rule, it was again implemented.

Why Reuse of E-waste?

  • We have only a certain amount of natural resources available, so our promotion and use should be done carefully.
  • If e-waste is poured along with cubic waste, extremely deadly and toxic materials spread in the atmosphere.
  •  If e-waste is buried in the ground like normal waste, it will pollute soil and water.
  •  We consider the earth as our mother to save this mother from pollution of air, water and soil.
  • If e-waste is used by scientific method, it can be used as a source of raw materials.
  • To generate employment opportunities.
Measures to reduce e-waste
  • Use of electric and electronics equipment in a low or appropriate way.
  •  Only ten characteristics of equipment are commonly used. Hence reducing the use of new and state-of-the-art equipment.
  • Instead of throwing away the damaged equipment and getting new ones, repair them and reuse them.
  • Spreading awareness about the ill effects of e-waste.
  • This waste should be prepared in minimum quantity, it should be disposed of in the proper place, and the garbage coming out of street, locality, society, etc. should be tried to reach the authorized institutions for the process of reuse.
Occasionally in e-waste management

Many opportunities are available to the youth in the field of e-waste disposal and reuse. These include government institutions, private institutions, companies etc.
E-waste collection system: The system of disposal of garbage generated from the place of residence, home, school and institutions is not yet in India. Therefore, youths also have opportunities to prepare this system. The youth have the opportunity to establish such centers in their premises, spread it to the people and address this problem of the people.
E-waste process: Every city has the opportunity to develop a mechanism to classify the accumulated waste and process it and make it suitable for reuse. Youth can also try in this direction.