Friday 10 April 2020

How China will Capture on entire world after CORONA virus pendamic

How China will Capture on entire world  after CORONA virus Pendamic -  Before 1956 Britain was the world power,in 1956 with the help of other country Britain try to capture on swez kenal but Iran fail the strategies of Britan and america give warning to Britan to go back from Swez kenal and in 23rd December 1956 Britain return back from Swez kenal and america become the world power. Now currently this happening with america when in  2015 Ebola Virus came in that time America with the help of lots of country create different groups and lead for the world on the crucial type of crises. But now a day in the pendamic  of corona where is america ? Actually America is seating inside there own home and we can say that America is not able to protect their own home.

 On the other hand china work on biggest diplomacy for the world. Lets see some interesting data which we never think about
China strategies policy- We can estimate from the data which is going to mention that after this corona virus pendamic china will highlighted as the more powerful country in the world. Actually China become world leader and come equal in power as United State  America. China which have now only handful friend like North korea and Russia will become friend of almost all of the world after this corona virus pendamic.  Now world will take what China will make actually world need to buy only what china will make.

How China become World leader after this Corona virus pendamic - Friends now a days it is clear that America is totally keep quite in their own home and try to pull their lag from Paris agreement and many more. In this way America is sliding down from the position of world leader actually there is no one ready to listen america. Beijing know this very well and already work on strategies to acquire the world leadership after corona virus.

How China will Capture on entire world  after CORONA virus endemic

How china set their goal to acquire the world leadership after corona virus-Presently China shout loudly their victory on corona virus to the entire world.They try to show  entire world about their speed,efficiency and planning against corona virus. Actually now a day china become adviser of rest of the world. Every day china host lots of meeting via video conference with different different country in mash about how to get rid of from corona virus pendamic . We can say that China start to take soft leadership of the world. Again China start to tale story of their success and irresponsibility incompetence of america. Now a day China giving new word to rest of the world 'China is a globally responsible country' , and work on the mantra we "care for world". Lets focus on some of the example

How China will Capture on entire world  after CORONA virus endemic

Help of Italy- When the entire Italy is in the pain of corona virus and there is no hope of goodness.Italy appeal with entire world for kit,ventilator,mask and respirator to fight against corona virus and no one help him in the crucial time but only china come in front and publicly announce to provide 
  •      1000 ventilator
  •      2 Million Mask
  •      1 lakh Respirator
  •      20000 protective suit and
  •      50000 test kit
Today Italy sing the song of greatness of China but few days ago the figure was totally different and they protest against China because China in slow  way try to buy company of Italy because the economy of Italy about to crush.

Help Of Iran- The role which have to uphold to America now upholded by China. Currently lot of item which need to fight against corona virus is in need is supplied by China to Iran like

  • 2.5 Lakhs Mask
  • Medical Kits and also
  • Medical Team 
and also help to supplied these item to Serbia then the chief of Serbia given statement for China as
"It is only be a story to friendship with European Nation the real friend of world is now a day is only China".

In the time of prime minister Pandit Nehru Russia was the biggest friend of india and America was the biggest enemy of India, But now in the time of Modi government scene is totally different and America is Biggest friend of India. I think China work on same plane now a day with the help of Jack ma founder Alibaba group China sended 20000  test kit and 1 lakhs mask to different 50 country of Africa.

Now the Question is why the entire world need only the help of china and why China will help to all over the world ?

We know that for fighting against Corona virus we need 

  1.  Mask -As we know that china start to production of mask on war level but on the other hand               USA not having proper mask for even their own people.
  2.  N95 Respiratory- In the current time china already made 50% N95 Respiratory mask and also instruct to all the foreign company to compulsory  product N95 Mask and only supplies to China government not their own government. Then China government will decides where have to supplies or not.Now the main concern is that if China have to become World power and lead on the world then China will supplies these Respiratory to only those country which          

  • China Need to friendship
  • Need to capture on Nature resource of country
  • Which country he need to create Strategic relationship  
Actually if i tale the whole story as strategic thinker then these respiratory work as "Foreign Policy Tools".

Now Focus on Summary of Stories-
  •         This time China will Provides countless loan to lots of country and these country will come under pressure of loan
  •          China will Tie up with lots of country for low price of oil as we know that oil price is going very low these time and freeze these oil for future use and will become independent on dependency on oil 
  •          After these Corona Virus endemic there will be lots of friend of china and China will use the benefit of these friendship as in the support where China become alone in different world forum.
  •        China will not having any problem with Corona Virus because China is Maker and also Consumer 
Now Friend tell me to read the entire blog is it be necessary for entire word to salute China because the world economy is already crash. Please comment and tell me your views about  "will china capture on entire world or not".

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