Wednesday 18 September 2019


HUMAN SPACE FLIGHT  PROGRAMME- ISRO , DRDO sign MoU to provide critical technology for human space mission. Under the agreement, the technological capabilities existing in DRDO labs for defense applications will be customized to meet the requirement of ISRO human space  mission . DRDO will  be providing critical technology to ISRO such as space crew health monitoring and emergency survive kit, space food for the crew model save recovery and radiation measurement and protection.
INDIAN HUMAN SPACE FLIGHT PROGRAMME- ISRO aims to launch its maiden human space mission, gaganyaan before the 75th anniversary of Indian independence in 2022 .Objective of this mission is to enhancement of science and technology in country.A national project involveing several institute, academia and industries. Improvement of Indian industrial growth.the mission of this project is to have make improvement in youth. 
development of technology for social benefit so that every level of people of society can take advantage of science and technology and finally its help in the improvement in international relationship.  Human space flight program is such a great program step taken by ISRO and DRDO which help our technology in lots of department. some of them explain below.

BOOST TO INDUSTRIES-Human space flight program is the platform from there Indian industries grabs lots of opportunity

The Indian industry will find large opportunities through participation in the highly demanding Space missions. Gaganyaan Mission is expected will source nearly 60% of its equipment from the Indian private sector.

EMPLOYMENT- Growth in employment is the basic need for the youth of any country and if employment got increase then defiantly growth of country increase.   According to the ISRO chief, the Gaganyaan mission would create 15,000 new employment opportunities, 13,000 of them in private industry and the space organisation would need an additional manpower of 900.

TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT-Human Space flights are frontier field in the science and technology. The challenges the Human Space Flights provide to India, and the benefits accruing from taking up those missions will be very high and will lead to further thrust for technological developments in India.

SPURS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT-It will boost good research and technology development. With a large number of researchers with proper equipment involved, HSF will thrust significant research in areas such as materials processing, astro-biology, resources mining, planetary chemistry, planetary orbital calculus and many other areas.

MOTIVATION-Human space flight will provide that inspiration to the youth and also the national public mainstream. It would inspire young generation into notable achievements and enable them to play their legitimate role in challenging future activities.

PRESTIGE- India will be the fourth country to launch human space mission. The Gaganyaan will not only bring about prestige to the nation but also establish India’s role as a key player in the space industry.

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