Tuesday 15 October 2019

Challenges of E-waste management

                                      Challenges of E-waste management

Challenges of E-waste management
Challenges of E-waste management

In this era of technology, E-waste is increasing day by day. E -waste is now a cause for concern. Today, the use of electronic items constantly and the change in the new model of electronic items attracts people to use more and more electronic items and discard old items. For this reason, the situation has become such that today the garbage house is becoming a place. The challenge is how to recycling e-waste? Due to the non-disposal of those items whose life is over, it is emerging as a big problem.

E-waste means electronic waste which contains electronic items as waste. They also include things whose life is over. Parts such as TV, fridge, cooler, AC, monitor, computer, calculator, mobile, electronic machines are also included. E-waste is not actually directly harmful, but its substances are dangerous. In electronic waste, some valuable items like tava, silver, gold, platinum etc. are required to be processed by a person to get them. If they are not destroyed, they definitely prove to have adverse effects for the environment. This also creates environmental hazards. There is no doubt that electronic devices are environmentally friendly. But when they are in the form of e-waste, they cause great harm to the environment.

Some electronic and electric appliances contain heavy objects such as glass, zinc, cadmium, varium etc. If all these enter water then it can be very harmful for health. It also affects the human nervous system and respiratory system.
India is the world's largest mobile consumer country. More than 1.5 million tonnes of e-waste are produced here in a year. But no consumer knows how to properly handle or manage it. This is a matter of concern. Its recycling work has been left entirely to formal areas. Yet the method of its disposal has not yet been resolved.
In the year 2011, some rules were enacted for e-waste management. In it, the standards of such products were prepared by meeting the pollution control boards of the states on the products to manage the end of life of their products which is environmentally friendly. The E-waste Management Rules 2016 was then enacted which was implemented in 2017. This ensured the eventual return of waste. Also, an arrangement was made in the name of 'Product Responsibility Organization'. Apart from this, the Central Pollution Control Board will inspect what devices are available in the market which are not possible for disposal and which are hazardous to human environment. All those items will be identified and returned from the market.

The global volume of E-waste was 47.4 million tonnes in 2016. It is expected to reach 552 million tonnes by 2021. About 2 million tonnes of e-waste is produced annually in India. India also ranks among the top five countries in the world for producing the most electronic waste (e-waste). Apart from this, China, America, Japan and Germany are in this list. It was reported in a report that about 2 million tonnes of e-waste is produced annually in India and a total of 4,38,085 tonnes of waste is recycled annually. E-waste usually includes computer monitors, motherboards, cathode ray tubes (CRTs), printed circuit boards (PCBs), mobile phones and chargers, compact discs, LCD with headphones (liquid crystal display) or plasma TV, air Conditioner, refrigerator included.

The sad part is that only 5 percent of India's total e-waste is known to be recycled due to poor infrastructure and legislation. It directly impacts irreversible damage to the environment and the health of the people working in the industry. The unorganized sector and 95 per cent of e-waste is managed by scrap dealers in this market, who throw away the products instead of recycling it. The report also said that as the people of India are getting richer, more and more electronic goods and equipment are being spent. Computer equipment accounts for about 70 per cent of the total e-waste content, 12 per cent of telecom equipment, 8 per cent of electrical equipment, 7 per cent for medical equipment and 4 per cent for the rest of the household.

Currently, e-waste generation capacity in India is 4.56 times more than the processing capacity. Increasing population is also the reason for increasing e-waste. E-waste in India is growing at a fatal rate. This is harming the environment of the country. It can have fatal consequences in future. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) has warned that if developing countries like India and China do not recycle e-waste properly, its mountain will rise. Today, one lakh tons of refrigerator waste, 2,75000 tons of TV waste, 56300 tons of computer waste, 4700 print of waste and 1700 tons of mobile phone waste are generated every year in India. No exact waste recycling system has been implemented in India.

Saturday 12 October 2019

You know these 5 special things about 5G phones ..!

You know these 5 special things about 5G phones ..!

You know these 5 special things about 5G phones ..!

 Since the 5G of the mobile network in the market i.e. 5G network is being talked about in the future.The popularity of the 4G smartphone, which is gradually gaining buzz, is going to decrease. After the arrival of this technology, you can download 100 movies simultaneously from the Internet in just 1 second.According to experts, 5G technology will play an important role in heralding a new kind of revolution, which will lead to major changes in many areas across the world.For your information, let us know that this technology is being developed in India as well as abroad. Let us give you information about it-

5G technology
According to scientists, 5G technology can come before us in 2020 after five years. At that time, no smartphone today will be able to use that technology. Mobile makers will also face a big challenge to make 5G supported mobiles. With this technology, your data speed will reach 100 gigabytes per second, ie a hundred movies can be downloaded in one second simultaneously. 5G technology will have new radio access (NX), new generation LTE access and better core network. This enables faster exchange of data as well as Internet of Things or IoT on these phones. You will also get the facility of

India may have 5G technology in next few years
In the next few years, 5G technology can be launched for Internet connectivity in India as well. Since some companies have started preparing for it. The second thing is that as of now, the 2G / 3G era is still going on and 4G technology is still in the initial stages. Talk about the other countries of the world, so there is very fast work on 5G technology there.

Development of 5G technology in Internet too
Scientists will have to develop an antenna using one to two GHz channel band width for 5G technology, which is currently 20 MHz for 4G. By 2020, many new gadgets connected to the Internet can come. Video traffic will increase up to 22 times. Smartphones will be like television in which users receive live feeds.

Mobiles will also have such technology
Very large spectrum bandwidth will be used in 5G technology. Currently, most mobile antennas operate only on 10-20 MHz bandwidth, while mobiles operating on 2 GHz bandwidth will have to be developed in 5G. That's why scientists are taking so much time to develop smartphone network technology.

5G mobiles to exceed 15 crore mark by 2021
According to the mobility report of telecom equipment manufacturer Ericsson, by the year 2021, the number of mobile phones equipped with 5G facility in the world will reach 150 million. Sales of 5G mobile will increase more rapidly than 4G mobile. Estimating the commencement of commercial use of 5G network from 2020, it is said that in 2021, the largest increase in the number of 5G mobile phone users will be in South Korea, Japan, China and USA.

Automobile industry

                                                    Automobile industry

   Automobile industry

The Indian automobile industry has undergone rapid changes in the last few years. Automobile industry companies, both domestic and foreign, in India are now focusing on making changes in their processes and technologies to create better products and increase their market share. In view of this, the demand for trained automobile engineers has increased. According to the 2017-18 Economic Survey, the automobile industry was the third place in the employment generating industries for the year ended September 2020. There are definitely great opportunities for businessmen in the field of automobile engineering as a career option.

Automobile engineering is actually a combination of elements from various branches of engineering, such as mechanical, electrical, electronics, soft and computer science.

Performing tasks such as the design, manufacturing, testing, and maintenance of automobiles in this industry are the most underlined, in which designing, selecting and selecting components suitable for the manufacture of vehicles. is done. The product is tested at various levels. Crash tests are also conducted to ensure safety and to improve the situation thereof. Additionally, providing repair services for the vehicles sold and making continuous improvement and updating of the vehicles as per the market needs is also part of the automobile engineer's work.

Employment for Automobile Industry

The automobile industry consists of companies that manufacture bikes, scooters, motorcycles, autos, cars, trucks, tractors, defense vehicles, and buses. Some of the leading companies in the sector include Maruti, Tata Motors, Mahindra & Mahindra, Ashok Leyland, Hindustan Motors and names like Bajaj Auto, Hyundai, Ford, Fiat, Toyota, Honda, Skoda, Volkswagen, Audi, Renault and BMW.

The automobile industry and its accompanying automobile component industry provide a variety of jobs for competent automobile engineers. Job opportunities are available in various fields such as design, engineering, production, operations, human resource management, sales and services, marketing, finance, customer care, IT and R&D.

Employment opportunities in the automobile industry can be classified into three main areas - 
  • Design- The design of the vehicle or component is drawn 
  • Development -Development engineers evaluate the template 
  •  Manufacturing - and manufacturing engineers are concerned with vehicle production.
Some of the roles assigned to automobile engineers are automobile designer, production engineer, driver instrumentation engineer, quality engineer, automotive technician, and paints specialist. Automobile engineers are also hired by service stations and transport companies, in addition to automobile manufacturing companies and automobile component companies. IT companies, which run automobile software projects, also employ these businessmen, but for this, they have to take software courses or undertake training in related work. Another employment option is the installation of repair workshops or garages. Research and teaching options are also very important in this area. Potential areas of research in automobile engineering include aerodynamics, alternative fuels, chassis, electronics, manufacturing, materials, motor sport, power trains, rapid prototyping, vehicle and pedestrian safety, or supply chain management.

The outstanding aspect of work in the field of automobile industry is that it provides opportunities to work in different departments and to acquire skills related to different aspects of automobile manufacturing.

Remuneration for Automobile Industry-New graduates in automobile engineering Rs. 10,000 / - to 15,000 / -. Sufficiently high salary packages are offered to graduates of prestigious institutions like IITs, NITs and BITS.

Educational Qualifications for Automobile Industry-Courses ranging from diploma to PhD in automobile engineering are available. Students wishing to pursue a career in this field have a BE in Automobile Engineering. Or B.Tech. Can start from the course or BE or B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering. After taking a course, M.Tech in Automobile Engineering. can do.Some of the topics covered by Automobile Engineering include Thermodynamics, Aerodynamics, Electrical Motion, Combustion Engine, Vehicle Chassis, Electric Systems, Control Systems, Fluid Mechanics, Emissions, Workshop Technology, Supply Chain Management, Machine Design, Computer Aided Design, Prototype Creations and Includes ergonomics. All these courses are a combination of theoretical studies, practical experiments and hands-on training. Most students consider internships to be the most used part of these courses. During the internship, the students themselves gain hands-on experience. These tasks include training on elevating a car on hoists, air filters, fuel melters, engine oil, changing spark plugs, installing tire punctures, working with designing software and assembling components, etc. it happens. Some students say that such tips are given by mechanics, which even experienced automobile engineers are not aware of. Certificate and diploma courses in engineering mechanics, applied thermodynamics, mechanical engineering, robotics and automation, etc. are available.
Diploma holders wishing to pursue a degree can take the AMIE exam, which is administered by the Institution of Engineers, India. This professional certificate is considered equivalent to a bachelor's degree.

Skill  for Automobile Industry-
  • Good knowledge of mathematics and science subjects proves useful for better performance in automobile engineering courses.
  • Originality is the key to success in the field of automobile engineering. Hence qualities like rational thinking, objective approach, hard working nature and perseverance are required in a person who aspires for employment in this field.
  • In addition to strong technical training, including sketching and drawing skills, candidates must be skilled in articulation skills, teamwork and problem solving to do justice to their business. Willingness to learn and having a network of contacts will prove to be helpful for growth in this field.
  • The number of institutes offering courses in automobile engineering is not large. There is a huge shortage of trained engineers to fill various positions in automobile companies. Therefore, the future is bright for the candidates with genuine interest in this field.

Tuesday 8 October 2019

What Is Industrial Automation?

What Is Industrial Automation?

 Industrial Automation

Industrial automation-Industrial automation is the use of control systems, such as computers or robots, and information technology to handle various processes and machinery in industry to transform a human being. This is the second step beyond mechanization in the realm of industrialization.

Increase quality and flexibility in your manufacturing process-

Earlier automation was intended to increase productivity (since automated systems can work 24 hours a day), and to reduce costs associated with human operators (ie wages and benefits). However, today the focus of automation has shifted to increasing quality and flexibility in a manufacturing process. In the automobile industry, pistons in the engine were manually installed with an error rate of 1–1.5%. Currently, this work is performed using automated machinery with an error rate of 0.00001%.

Benefits of industrial automation

Lower operating costs: Industrial automation eliminates healthcare costs and pays for the holidays and holidays associated with a human operator. In addition, industrial automation does not require other employee benefits such as bonuses, pension coverage, etc. Although it is associated with a higher initial cost, it saves the workers' monthly salaries leading to substantial cost savings for the company. Maintenance costs associated with machinery used for industrial automation are low because it often does not fail. If it fails, only computers and maintenance engineers are needed to repair it.

Hierarchy of an industrial automation system-

Industrial automation systems can be very complex in nature, with a large number of devices operating in synchronization with automation technologies. The figure below describes the hierarchical arrangement of automation systems consisting of different hierarchical levels.

Field level Industrial automation

This is the lowest level of the automation hierarchy that includes field equipment such as sensors and actuators. The main function of these field devices is to transfer the data of processes and machines to the next higher level for monitoring and analysis. And it also includes controlling process parameters through actuators. For example, we can describe this level as the eyes and arms of a particular process.

Sensors for Industrial automation  -Sensors convert real-time parameters such as temperature, pressure, flow, level etc. into electrical signals. This sensor data was further transferred to the controller so that real-time parameters could be monitored and analyzed. Some sensors include thermocouples, proximity sensors, RTDs, flow meters, etc.
What Is Industrial Automation?

 Actuator for Industrial automation  -On the other hand the actuator converts electrical signals (from controllers) into mechanical means to control processes. Flow control valves, solenoid valves, pneumatic actuators, relays, DC motors and servo motors are examples of actuators.

What Is Industrial Automation?

It is the top level of industrial automation that manages the entire automation system. Functions at this level include production planning, customer and market analysis, ordering and sales etc., so it deals more with commercial activities and less with technical aspects.

 industrial communication networks- industrial communication networks are also the most prominent in industrial automation systems that transfer information from one level to another. So these are present in all levels of automation systems to provide a continuous flow of information. This communication network can vary from one level to another. Some of these networks include RS485, CAN, DeviceNet, Foundation Field Bus, Profibus etc.

conclusion for industrial automation-

From the above hierarchy we can conclude that there is a continuous information flow from high level to low level and vice versa. If we follow this graphical method, it is like a pyramid in which information goes up, and as we go down, we get detailed information about the process.
Industrial automation is employed to perform fixed and repetitive operations to achieve high production rates. It uses special purpose or dedicated tools to automate fixed sequence assembling or processing tasks. Once employed, changing or changing product design is relatively difficult. Therefore, it is inflexible in providing product diversification, but increases efficiency and reduces unit costs with higher production rates.

In Industrial automation, a specific class of product changes and the combination or processing functions can also be changed with the modification of the control program in automated devices.
This Industrial automation is best suited for batch production process where product volume is more than medium. But in this, changing and reconfiguring the system for a new product or sequence of operations is difficult. Therefore, a longer setup is required to reconfigure a new product or sequence of operations.

Examples of Industrial automation-

  • numerically controlled machines
  •  paper mills
  •  steel rolling mills
  • industrial robots  etc.

Monday 7 October 2019

What is the Automation?

                                           What is the Automation?

What is the meaning of Automation?

Automation-Automation can be defined as technology dealing with the design of machine tools and
system using electronics and computer systems that produce the final product at the least cost, with minimal labor intervention. Is, components of high accuracy are produced and repeated tolerances are produced without the desired tolerance. Fully automated production systems include machining centers such as desired, industrial robots and material handling systems, automated assembly lines, automated vision systems such as machine vision and automated quality control systems, and planning, data collection, feedback, decision making to control operations and Present the desired information on visual display units in a concise and easily integrated form .

Type of Automation System

  • fixed types- In fixed automation, the sequence of processing is fixed to a particular product. Such a system can be used for mass production of a product. Its initial cost is high and any changes in product design can be incorporated with difficulty. If the product is to be replaced, a lot of modifications, new additions, etc. may be required and it will be very expensive and time consuming to adjust.

  • programmable types- In programmable automation (with numerically controlled machines and robots), it is possible to adjust changes in the sequence of operations for new products by changing the program (set of instructions).Such a system is suitable for batch production. For the new product, not only programs have to be changed, but new tools and fixtures may be loaded, and machine settings have been changed. 

  •  flexible types-In flexible automation systems, no time is lost for producing a product and converting to a new product. Complete information and programs for the products to be produced are available in the Computer System and the code for the new product must be conveyed to the computer and changes to all settings, tools, etc. are made automatically. Such systems are best suited for the production of a wide variety of spare parts for large industrial plants / processes / premises. Spare should not be stocked, but can be stored in a program machine for their production.

What is the meaning of Automation?

When and when an additional part is required, the machine can be guided and partially produced in the shortest time without losing production, equipment, fixtures, loading, arranging, on time. can be done. Such systems use flexible manufacturing systems with automatic tool changers, pallet fixtures, etc. The latest trend in automation is computer integrated manufacturing, that is, not only to use computers for actual production and manufacturing, but also to do all business related tasks such as product design, complete planning for manufacturing, inventory of raw materials. , And other stocks, actual sales, sales forecasts, handheld orders, maintenance of various machine tools.

Computer security threat and prevention

Computer security threat and prevention

Computer security threat and prevention

The security risk of computers continues to increase. Some people who always want to do something different are inventing new ways to harm our computers, steal our important information, or just to mentally disturb them. If we go online too, the risk increases manifold. To deal with these dangers, first of all we should know about these dangers. After that, ways to prevent those dangers should be known. Lastly, if some accident happened, then the way out of it should be found. So now we know first of all how many threats to the computer.

       Computer Virus: Virus is one of the most famous threats to computers. It is a program that changes the way the computer works without our permission. Like a biological virus, it also replicates itself and that is why its name is virus. The computer it contains increases its number through its replication and damages the processes running inside the computer.

Computer Spyware: As is being known in its own name, these are computer programs which are silently lying in your computer without your permission and keep sending your information to your manufacturer. The more your information remains with its creator, the greater the danger will be on you. Under this, many types of programs are included which are given further.

Computer Hacker: These are the programmers who are the creators of these computer threats. These types of malware penetrate into our computer by penetrating the security of our computers and stealing, changing or destroying our information. Their best weapon is the software available on the Internet and the people who download free software from the Internet. They hide their spyware in those software and it easily reaches our computer. Since we have not bought the original software, we do not even update it from the Internet, so that these spies keep doing their work for many days.

Computer Phishing: Computer Phishing is a very dangerous weapon in today's online financial transactions. Phishing is also similar to some real phishing. In this, you are cheated by fake email or phone call. In this, we get an e-mail or a phone call from someone who tells himself from a phone company, bank, or other institution, and by luring us with a prize or anything else, we get our important information such as bank details, Wants to get family details, email password etc. Later, with the help of these information, we can suffer big loss.
Computer security threat and prevention

Computer TrojanComputer Trojan is a type of spyware that has the ability to protect itself from antivirus programs. It steals our banking data and sends it to its manufacturer.

Computer WarmComputer Warm is a type of program, which does not pose any particular threat to the computer, it is made just to spread. It spreads to many computers in no time, this only threatens the computer that it fills our computer hard disk by replicating itself and causing a flood of traffic in the network, slowing down the network goes.

Computer ScarewareComputer Scareware is a program that shows that thousands of viruses have come to your computer. While nothing like this happens. Its aim is to sell a useless antivirus software which is of no use. Just this antivirus will stop that program and in return will take money from you.

Computer Key-loggerComputer Key-logger can be both hardware or software. It keeps recording every keystroke of your computer. With this help our login and password can be stolen very easily. Its hardware version is keyboard and CPU. It is in the middle of which all the keystrokes are safe.

Computer AdwareComputer Adware is a program that continuously opens many windows related to advertising. Time and again everyone has to shut you down. Sometimes these ads can also be adults. They are not dangerous but they disturb.

Computer Farming:Computer Farming is also a type of fishing, but it uses a second technique. These are of two types. The first is D.N.S. Poisoning. In this, our computer's DNS The catch is changed in such a way that when we open a site, the site set by the hacker will open. We do the same thing with another method in which our hosts change the file.

Measures for safe use of computers:

  •      Always keep your computer updated. Always keep automatic updates of the operating system on.
  •     Use the right antivirus software to keep your computer safe and keep it updated all the time. Perform a full computer scan at intervals of a few days. Our factory has a server called Antivirus program called Trend Micro Office Scan which automatically updates all the computers available in the network and updates itself with the server installed in the Ordnance Factory Board.
  •    Always protect your computer with a hard password that no one can open. And do not share your password with anyone.
  •         Backing up his important files at some intervals.
  •         Never leave your computer in the login state. Lock or log off if you have to go somewhere.
  •         Do not open the unknown email nor open the files associated with it.
  •         Never turn off your computer's firewall.
  •         Do not download unauthorized software from the Internet.
  •         Use the social networking site very carefully. Please think carefully before sharing your personal information.
  •         Do not use administrative login unless it is very important. In this case, if a virus has come on your computer, then you will get full access power of your computer and can do whatever they want.
  •         Remove unnecessary programs and services from your computer.
  •         Always keep remote access closed.
  •         Do not open the pen drive or pocket drive on the computer by double clicking.
  •         The most important thing is to be aware and aware of the dangers of the computer.

Sunday 6 October 2019

What is the speed of light and will man ever be able to achieve it?

What is the speed of light and will man ever be able to achieve it?

What is the speed of light and will man ever be able to achieve it?

Speed has changed the life of human beings and speed itself is changing. Getting off the bullock cart and horse, the person rode on a bicycle. Then started traveling on the bike and now on the plane. Earlier it used to take 2 days to travel 100 kilometers, now you can reach 100 kilometers in 2 hours.
Speed ​​changed a person's life. The first letter used to take 400 weeks to reach 400 kilometers, now if we mail, then in 4 seconds the person sitting 6 thousand kilometers will get it and if you do WhatsApp, it will be seen in 2 seconds. If you are mobile, then in 1 to 2 seconds he will hear your voice. So to say that speed is very important in life. Due to this speed, the future of human beings was something else but now the future has changed.

Human still does not have enough speed to go to the moon and take a sip of tea and return to the earth again in 1 hour. If someone had organized dinner in the evening on Mars, then returned to the earth as soon as morning. When such a pace will develop, then the development we are seeing today will be several thousand times more development. Scientists are working towards achieving such speed.

Human wants to travel at the speed of light: when lightning flashes in the sky, first of all we see the lightning flashes and only then its thunder is heard. This means that the speed of light is faster than the speed of sound. Scientists have achieved the speed of sound, but to achieve the speed of light is just a little crooked.

There are many missiles whose firepower is faster than the speed of sound. There are also fighter aircraft, which fly faster than the speed of sound. But man wants the car to move at the speed of sound, just move and train. However, he has also been successful to some extent and now wishes to have a space plane moving at the speed of light.

The speed of light is so high that it will cover the distance from London to New York more than 50 times in 1 second. If sending such a speed message will take 12.5 minutes to send the message to Mars. Now if we want to return to Mars, we have to achieve the speed of light, otherwise we can go but there is no guarantee of returning. Now you can add how long it will take to go 220 million kilometers if we go at the speed of 1,000 kilometers per hour….

What is the speed of light: The perfect speed of light is 2,99,792.458 kilometers per second in vacuum like space. In the Rigveda, the speed of light of the sun is told to be approximately the same. The average distance of the Earth from the Sun is about 14,96,00,000 kilometers or 9,29,60,000 miles and it takes 8 minutes 16.6 seconds for the Sunlight to reach the Earth.

The distance traveled by light in a year is called a light year. One light year means approximately 9,500 billion kilometers. This is the speed of light. It has a formula- 9.4607 × 10 ^ 12 KM (nearly 6 trilion miles).